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2022-06-13   來源: .NET編程 

  又發現了一個 net 的bug!最近在使用正則表達式的時候發現在忽略大小寫的時候匹配值從 xff 到 xffff 之間的所有字符正則表達式竟然也能匹配兩個 ASCII 字符i(code: x) 和 I(code: x);但是仍然不能匹配其他的 ASCII 字母和數字

  比如以下的代碼就是用來測試用正則表達式匹配從 xff 到 xffff 的字符而值范圍在 xfe 的所有字符是不能被匹配的

  Regex regex = new Regex(@[/uFF/uFFFF]+);
  // The characters whoes value are smaller than xff are not expected to be matched
  for (int i = ; i < xff; i++) {
  string s = new string(new char[] { (char)i });
  stringFormat(The character was not expected to be matched: x{:X}! i));
  // However the characters whoes value are greater than xfe are expected to be matched
  for (int i = xff; i <= xffff; i++) {
  string s = new string(new char[] { (char)i });
  stringFormat(The character was expected to be matched: x{:X}! i));



  Regex regex = new Regex(@[/uFF/uFFFF]+ RegexOptionsIgnoreCase);

  程序運行的時候就會有兩處斷言錯誤它們分別是字符值為 也就是小寫字母 i 和大寫字母 I 這個 bug 非常奇怪別的字符都很正常!而且用 JavaScript 腳本在

  IE (版本是)裡面運行也同樣有這麼 bug 存在(比如下面這段代碼)然而在 Firefox 中運行就是沒有問題的還是 Firefox 好啊呵呵!

var re = /[/uFF/uFFFF]+/;
  // var re = /[/uFF/uFFFF]+/i;
  for(var i=; i<xff; i++) {
  var s = StringfromCharCode( i );
  if ( retest(s) ){
  alert( Should not be matched: + i + ! );
  for(var i=xff; i<=xffff; i++) {
  var s = StringfromCharCode( i );
  if ( !retest(s) ){
  alert( Should be matched: + i + ! );

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