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運行seam 的example下面的實例

2022-06-13   來源: Java開源技術 





  jboss seamjbossseamCR

  在運行實例的過程中無非是完成 項目的部署以及 數據庫的生成

  在E\jbossseamCR (seam 解壓後的路徑) 下面找buildproperties 在最末一行添加一行jbosshome=E\\jbossGA 注意在windows下面是\\


  部署booking這個例子首先用cmd進入E\jbossseamCR\examples\booking  這個路徑下面直接ant deploy 結束後console會有提示然後去jboss 的E\jbossGA\server\default\deploy 目錄下面看看是否已經部署成功如果部署成功會有jbossseambookingearjbossseambookingdsxml 這個文件生成



  <?xml version= encoding=UTF?>

  <!DOCTYPE datasources
    PUBLIC //JBoss//DTD JBOSS JCA Config //EN


  修改完後你可以去你的hsqldb下面去找生成的數據jboss自己帶一個tool 可以查看數據這個tool是個awt程序在jboss console 裡面——》



  void startDatabaseManager()

  MBean Operation


  點擊invoke就可以啟動這個tool file ——》connect ——>URL 更改為jdbchsqldbyourdb 就可以查看到delopoy後自動建的表以及初始化數據!



  最後總結一下如果把seam所有的example搞清楚你就基本搞清楚seam 的幾乎所有內容因為example牽扯了幾乎所有seam的feature

  這是seam example 裡面的內容


  blog/                 The Seam blog example showing how to write
                      RESTful applications using Seam

  booking/              The Seam Booking demo application for EJB

  contactlist/          The Seam Contact List demo demonstrating use
                      of the Seam application framework
drools/               A version of the number guessing example that
                      uses Drools with jBPM

  dvdstore/             The Seam DVD Store demo demonstrating jBPM
                      support in Seam
groovybooking/        The Seam Booking demo ported to Groovy

  hibernate/            The Seam Booking demo ported to Hibernate

  icefaces/             The Seam Booking demo with ICEfaces instead of

  itext/                A demo of the Seam iText integration for generating pdfs
jee/booking          The Seam Booking demo ported to the Java EE
jee/remoting         The Seam remoting helloworld demo ported to the Java EE

  jpa/                  An example of the use of JPA (provided by Hibernate) runs
                      on many platforms including nonEE platforms (including
                      plain Tomcat)
mail/                 The Seam mail example demonstrating use of
                      faceletsbased email templating

  messages/             The Seam message list example demonstrating use
                      of the @DataModel annotation
nestedbooking/        The booking example modified to show the use of nested

  numberguess/          The Seam number guessing example demonstrating
                      jBPM pageflow

  quartz/               A port of the Seampay example to use the Quartz dispatcher

  registration/         A trivial example for the tutorial               

  remoting/chatroom/    The Seam Chat Room example demostrating Seam

  remoting/gwt/         An example of using GWT with Seam remoting

  remoting/helloworld/  A trivial example using Ajax
remoting/progressbar/ An example of an Ajax progress bar

  seambay/              An example of using Seam with Web Services

  seamdiscs/            Demonstrates Seam Trinidad Ajaxjsf and Richfaces

  seampay/              The Seam Payments demo demonstrating the use of
                      asynchronous methods
seamspace/            The Seam Spaces demo demonstrating Seam

  spring/               Demonstrates Spring framework integration

  todo/                 The Seam todo list example demonstrating
                      jBPM business process management
ui/                   Demonstrates some Seam JSF controls

  wiki/                 A fully featured wiki system based on Seam please
                      read wiki/READMEtxt for installation instructions

  推薦幾本seam 的好書seam_referencepdf 這是seam自帶的一個文檔我認為是個很好的文檔redsaga裡面有國內的jboss的愛好者翻譯的文檔是Seam__Reference_zh_CNpdf Seam__Reference_zh_CNpdf

  Beginning JBoss Seam JBossIDETutorial richfaces_reference seam in action《JSF入門》簡體中文版這基本書對學習jsf seam 以及在jboss下的開發都會很有幫助seam是個很好的framework國內現在用的人很少社區討論也很少可以去國外的forum去看看很熱很多用戶數量幾乎是暴增可能英語是限制國人領悟新技術的瓶頸吧~

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