* $Id: error
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership
* to you under the Apache License
* with the License
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License
<title>Struts Problem Report</title>
pre {
Struts has detected an unhandled exception:
<#assign msgs = [] />
<#list chain as ex>
<#if ssage??>
<#assign msgs = [ssage] + msgs/>
<#assign rootex = exception/>
<#list chain as ex>
<#if (ex
<#assign rootloc = ex
<#assign rootex = ex/>
<#assign tmploc = locator
<#if (tmploc != unknown)>
<#assign rootloc = tmploc/>
<#assign rootex = ex/>
<div id=
<#if (msgs?size >
<#list msgs as msg>
<#if (msg?is_method)>
<#elseif (msgs?size ==
<#if (msgs[
<#if rootloc??>
<td><strong>Line number</strong>:</td>
<#if (lumnNumber >=
<td><strong>Column number</strong>:</td>
<#if rootloc??>
<#assign snippet = rootloc
<#if (snippet?size >
<div id=
<hr />
<#list snippet as line>
<#if (line_index ==
<#if (lumnNumber >=
<pre >${(line[
<pre >${line?html}</pre>
<div id=
<hr />
<#list chain as ex>
<div class=
<#list ex
<div class=
<hr />
You are seeing this page because development mode is enabled
debugging behaviors and reports to assist developers
in your <code>WEB