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asp 程序提示中午好,上午好程序

2022-06-13   來源: .NET編程 

  function jdsj()
 n = cstr(right(year(date()))) + ""
 y = cstr(month(date())) + ""
 if len(y) = then y = "" + y
 r = cstr(day(date()))
 if len(r) = then r = "" + r
 h = cstr(hour(now())) + ""
 if len(h) = then h = "" + h
 f = cstr(minute(now()))
 if len(f) = then f = "" + f
 jdsj = n + y + r + " " + h + f
end function

  xxsj = cstr(year(date())) + "年" + cstr(month(date())) + "月" + cstr(day(date())) + "日 " + weekdayname(weekday(now))

  Function WHY()
 mytime = hour(now())
 if mytime>= and mytime< then why = "早上好!"
 if mytime>= and mytime< then why = "上午好!"
 if mytime>= and mytime< then why = "中午好!"
 if mytime>= and mytime< then why = "下午好!"
 if mytime>= and mytime< then why = "晚上好!"
 if mytime>= and mytime< then why = "挺晚了注意休息啊!"
End Function

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