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Struts Layout

2022-06-13   來源: Java開源技術 

  · configure struts for the webapp
  · configure the strutslayout treeview and sort action (just copy the corresponding lines of the strutsconfig file of the example application)
  · copy the strutslayoutjar file into the WEBINF/lib directory
  · declare the strutslayout tld file in the webxml file
  · copy the menujar file from the strutslayout example application into the WEBINF/lib directory
  · put a version of the common BeanUtils library in the WEBINF/lib directory if using struts
  · copy the strutslayouttld file into the WEBINF directory
  · copy the files in the config and images directory of the strutslayout example application in your new webapp
  · if forward to Tiles definition will be used with sorting or paging on the server the strutslayout request processor
  <layout:form action= styleClass=FORM>
  <layout:grid cols=>
  <layout:text key=Field property=username/>
  <layout:text key=Field property=username/>
  <layout:text key=Field property=username/>
  <layout:text key=Field property=username/>
  <layout:text key=Field property=username/>
  <layout:text key=Field property=username/>
  <layout:grid cols=>
  <layout:text key=Text input field property=username/>
  <layout:text key=Text input field property=username/>
  <layout:text key=Text input field property=username/>
  <layout:text key=Text input field property=username/>
  <layout:form action= styleClass=FORM>
  <layout:collection name=users styleClass=FORM>
  <layout:collectionItem title=userslogin property=login/>
  <layout:collectionItem title=usersfirstname property=firstname/>
  <layout:collectionItem title=userslastname property=lastname/>
  <layout:collectionItem title=userssociety property=society/>
  <layout:text key=Field property=username/>
  <layout:text key=Field property=username/>
  <layout:text key=Field property=username/>
  <layout:form action= styleClass=FORM>
  <layout:grid cols=>
  <layout:collection name=users styleClass=FORM length=>
  <layout:collectionItem title=userslogin property=login/>
  <layout:collectionItem title=usersfirstname property=firstname/>
  <layout:collectionItem title=userslastname property=lastname/>
  <layout:collectionItem title=userssociety property=society/>
  <layout:text key=Field property=username/>
  <layout:text key=Field property=username/>
  <layout:text key=Field property=username/>
  <layout:grid cols=>
  <layout:text key=Field property=username/>
  <layout:text key=Field property=username/>
  <layout:text key=Field property=username/>
  <layout:text key=Field property=username/>
  jsp page:
  <%@ page language=java %>
  <%@ taglib uri=/WEBINF/strutsbeantld prefix=bean %>
  <%@ taglib uri=/WEBINF/strutshtmltld prefix=html %>
  <html:html locale=true>
  <title><bean:message key=logontitle/></title>
  <body bgcolor=white>
  <html:form action=/logon focus=username>
  <table border= width=%>
  <th align=right>
  <bean:message key=promptusername/>
  <td align=left>
  <html:text property=username size= maxlength=/>
  <th align=right>
  <bean:message key=promptpassword/>
  <td align=left>
  <html:password property=password size= maxlength=
  <td align=right>
  <html:submit property=submit value=Submit/>
  <td align=left>
  layout page:
  <%@ page language=java %>
  <%@ taglib uri=/WEBINF/strutslayouttld prefix=layout %>
  <%@ taglib uri=/WEBINF/strutshtmltld prefix=html %>
  <layout:html locale=true styleClass=FORM>
  <html:errors property=orgapachestrutsactionGLOBAL_ERROR/>
  <layout:form action=/logondo focus=username key=logontitle styleClass=FORM>
  <layout:field key=promptusername property=username size= maxlength= isRequired=true styleClass=LABEL/>
  <layout:field key=promptpassword property=password size= maxlength= type=password styleClass=LABEL isRequired=true/>
  <layout:submit property=submit value=Submit/>

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