第一章 緒論
void print_descending(int x
printf("%d %d %d",x,y,z);
Status fib(int k,int m,int &f)//求k階斐波那契序列的第m項的值f
int tempd;
if(k<2||m<0) return ERROR;
if(m else if (m==k-1) f=1; else { for(i=0;i<=k-2;i++) temp[i]=0; temp[k-1]=1; //初始化 for(i=k;i<=m;i++) //求出序列第k至第m個元素的值 { sum=0; for(j=i-k;j
temp[i]=sum; } f=temp[m]; } return OK; }//fib 分析:通過保存已經計算出來的結果,此方法的時間復雜度僅為O(m^2).如果采用遞歸編程(大多數人都會首先想到遞歸方法),則時間復雜度將高達O(k^m). 1.18 typedef struct{ char *sport; enum{male,female} gender; char schoolname; //校名為'A','B','C','D'或'E' char *result; int score; } resulttype; typedef struct{ int malescore; int femalescore; int totalscore; } scoretype; void summary(resulttype result[ ])//求各校的男女總分和團體總分,假設結果已經儲存在result[ ]數組中 { scoretype score; i=0; while(result[i].sport!=NULL) { switch(result[i].schoolname) { case 'A': score[ 0 ].totalscore+=result[i].score; if(result[i].gender==0) score[ 0 ].malescore+=result[i].score; else score[ 0 ].femalescore+=result[i].score; break; case 'B': score.totalscore+=result[i].score; if(result[i].gender==0) score.malescore+=result[i].score; else score.femalescore+=result[i].score; break; …… …… …… } i++; } for(i=0;i<5;i++) { printf("School %d:\n",i); printf("Total score of male:%d\n",score[i].malescore); printf("Total score of female:%d\n",score[i].femalescore); printf("Total score of all:%d\n\n",score[i].totalscore); } }//summary 1.19 Status algo119(int a[ARRSIZE])//求i!*2^i序列的值且不超過maxint { last=1; for(i=1;i<=ARRSIZE;i++) { a[i-1]=last*2*i; if((a[i-1]/last)!=(2*i)) reurn OVERFLOW; last=a[i-1]; return OK; } }//algo119 分析:當某一項的結果超過了maxint時,它除以前面一項的商會發生異常. 1.20 void polyvalue() { float ad; float *p=a; printf("Input number of terms:"); scanf("%d",&n); printf("Input the %d coefficients from a0 to a%d:\n",n,n); for(i=0;i<=n;i++) scanf("%f",p++); printf("Input value of x:"); scanf("%f",&x); p=a;xp=1;sum=0; //xp用於存放x的i次方 for(i=0;i<=n;i++) { sum+=xp*(*p++); xp*=x; } printf("Value is:%f",sum); }//polyvalue