Partial Class LeagueView
Inherits SystemWebUIUserControl
Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object ByVal e As SystemEventArgs) Handles MeLoad
Dim wsConvert As New LeagueMiniView
gridviewdatasource = wsConvertViewLeague
End Sub
End Class
<%@ Register Src=LeagueViewascx TagName=LeagueView TagPrefix=uc %>
<%@ Register TagPrefix=wu TagName=News Src=Newsascx %>
<asp:Content ID=Content ContentPlaceHolderID=mainContent Runat=server>
<h>Welcome to the Wrox United Web site</h>
<p>Were a great football team No really we are Dont take any notice
of our past performance Were just unlucky</p>
<uc:LeagueView ID=miniview runat=server />
<wu:news id=News runat=server ItemsToShow=></wu:news>
[] [] [] [] [] []