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Spring3.0新特征-Restful support MVC[1]

2022-06-13   來源: Java開源技術 

  最近在Spring官網上發現Spring 發布不久Spring項目已經是開始進行了



   Full scale REST support by means of additions to the Spring MVC API already pretty detailed and apparently going to be included in the first milestone release

   Support for Unified EL (as seen in Spring Web Flow) very likely part of but no details given

   Annotation support for declaring factory methods as above

   Support for Portlet (JSR including resource requests (ResourceServingPortlet) as above

   Preparations for Servlet specification sounded a lot like architectural preparations not visible to the consumer

   Something to fill the gap between Spring Web Flow and Spring MVC that sounded very vague

   Inclusion (probably generalisation) of the repeat retry and resume semantics provided by Spring Batch was only hinted at no details given

   Inclusion of the OXM support provided by Spring WS sounded pretty definitive but no details given

   Some kind of site definition language for the web stack no idea whether this is more than a rumour

   Modelbased validation for use both in server and client as above


  剛才我也提到了Spring是基於其目前提供的Spring MVC框架上引入對Rest的支持這樣使其可以很好的融合到Spring中



@RequestMapping(value = /gadgets/{id}
       method = RequestMethodGET)
public View getGadget(@PathParam String id) {
   // 功能是根據 id 查詢 Gadget對象
   // 返回View對象

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