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2022-06-13   來源: Java核心技術 


  創建Grails應用程序我將它命名為legacygrails createapp legacy

  創建一個域類Usergrails createdomainclass User


    class User {   String userId   String password   static constraints = {   userId(blank: false maxSize: )   password(blank: false maxSize: )   }   }

  生成與域類User相關的所有Grails應用程序工件(artifact)grails generateall User


    class DevelopmentDataSource {   boolean pooling = true   // 將這行注釋掉   // String dbCreate = update // one of create createdropupdate   // url和driver要正確   String url = jdbc:mysql://localhost:/legacy_dev   String driverClassName = commysqljdbcDriver   String username = root   String password = // 這裡為您的密碼 :)   }



  <? xml version= encoding=UTF ?> <! DOCTYPE hibernateconfiguration PUBLIC //Hibernate/Hibernate Configuration DTD //EN configurationdtd > < hibernateconfiguration > < sessionfactory > < property name =connectiondriver_class > commysqljdbcDriver
</ property > < property name =connectionurl > jdbc:mysql://localhost:/legacy_dev
</ property > < property name =connectionusername > root </ property > < property name =connectionpassword ></ property > < property name =connectionpool_size > </ property > < property name =dialect > orghibernatedialectMySQLDialect </ property > < property name =current_session_context_class > thread </ property > < property name =cacheprovider_class > orghibernatecache
NoCacheProvider </ property > < property name =show_sql > true </ property > < property name =hbmddlauto > validate </ property > < mapping resource =Userhbmxml /> </ sessionfactory > </ hibernateconfiguration >


  <? xml version= ?> <! DOCTYPE hibernatemapping PUBLIC //Hibernate/Hibernate Mapping DTD //EN mappingdtd > < hibernatemapping > < class name =User table =user > < id name =userId column =user_id type =javalangString length = > <generator class=assigned /> </id> <property name=password column=password type=javalangString length= /> </class> </hibernatemapping>


  (試驗代碼時請不要在Edit User頁面中更新用戶的userId否則出發生異常因為主鍵不可更改

  在自己的應用程序中可以disable掉Edit User頁面中的User Id文本域)


    class UserController {   def index = { redirect(action:listparams:params) }   // the delete save and update actions only   // accept POST requests   def allowedMethods = [delete: POST   save: POST   update: POST ]   def list = {   if ( ! paramsmax)paramsmax =   [ userList: Userlist( params ) ]   }   def show = {   // [ user : Userget( paramsid ) ]   [ user : UserfindByUserId(paramsid) ]   }   def delete = {   // def user = Userget( paramsid )   def user = UserfindByUserId(paramsid)   if (user) {   userdelete()   ssage = User ${paramsid} deleted   redirect(action:list)   }   else {   ssage = User not found with id ${paramsid}   redirect(action:list)   }   }   def edit = {   // def user = Userget( paramsid )   def user = UserfindByUserId(paramsid)   if ( ! user) {   ssage = User not found with id ${paramsid}   redirect(action:list)   }   else {   return [ user : user ]   }   }   def update = {   // def user = Userget( paramsid )   def user = UserfindByUserId(paramsid)   if (user) {   userproperties = params   if (usersave()) {   // redirect(action:showid:userid)   redirect(action:showid:useruserId)   }   else {   render(view: edit model:[user:user])   }   }   else {   ssage = User not found with id ${paramsid}   redirect(action:editid:paramsid)   }   }   def create = {   def user = new User()   userproperties = params   return [ user :user]   }   def save = {   def user = new User()   userproperties = params   if (usersave()) {   // redirect(action:showid:userid)   redirect(action:showid:useruserId)   }   else {   render(view: create model:[user:user])   }   }   }


  < html > < head > < meta httpequiv =ContentType content =text/html; charset=UTF /> < meta name =layout content =main /> < title > User List </ title > </ head > < body > < div class =nav > < span class =menuButton >< a href =${createLinkTo(dir:)} >
Home </ a ></ span > < span class =menuButton >< g:link action =create >
New User </ g:link ></ span > </ div > < div class =body > < h > User List </ h > < g:if test =${ssage} > < div class =message > ${ssage} </ div > </ g:if > < table > < thead > < tr > <! <g:sortableColumn property=id title=Id /> > < g:sortableColumn property =userId title =User Id /> < g:sortableColumn property =password title =Password /> < th ></ th > </ tr > </ thead > < tbody > < g:each in =${userList} > < tr > <! <td>${itid?encodeAsHTML()}</td> > < td > ${ituserId?encodeAsHTML()} </ td > < td > ${itpassword?encodeAsHTML()} </ td > < td class =actionButtons > <! <span class=actionButton><g:link action=show
id=${itid}>Show</g:link></span> > < span class =actionButton >< g:link action =show
id =${ituserId} > Show </ g:link ></ span > </ td > </ tr > </ g:each > </ tbody > </ table > < div class =paginateButtons > < g:paginate total =${unt()} /> </ div > </ div > </ body > </ html >


  < html > < head > < meta httpequiv =ContentType content =text/html; charset=UTF /> < meta name =layout content =main /> < title > Show User </ title > </ head > < body > < div class =nav > < span class =menuButton >< a href =${createLinkTo(dir:)} >
Home </ a ></ span > < span class =menuButton >< g:link action =list > User List
</ g:link ></ span > < span class =menuButton >< g:link action =create > New User
</ g:link ></ span > </ div > < div class =body > < h > Show User </ h > < g:if test =${ssage} > < div class =message > ${ssage} </ div > </ g:if > < div class =dialog > < table > < tbody > <! <tr class=prop> <td valign=top class=name>Id:</td> <td valign=top class=value>${userid}</td> </tr> > < tr class =prop > < td valign =top class =name > User Id: </ td > < td valign =top class =value > ${useruserId}
</ td > </ tr > < tr class =prop > < td valign =top class =name > Password: </ td > < td valign =top class =value > ${userpassword}
</ td > </ tr > </ tbody > </ table > </ div > < div class =buttons > < g:form controller =user > <! <input type=hidden name=id value=${user?id} /> > < input type =hidden name =id value =${user?userId} /> < span class =button >< g:actionSubmit value =Edit /></ span > < span class =button >< g:actionSubmit value =Delete /></ span > </ g:form > </ div > </ div > </ body > </ html >


  < html > < head > < meta httpequiv =ContentType content =text/html; charset=UTF /> < meta name =layout content =main /> < title > Create User </ title > </ head > < body > < div class =nav > < span class =menuButton >< a href =${createLinkTo(dir:)} >
Home </ a ></ span > < span class =menuButton >< g:link action =list > User List
</ g:link ></ span > </ div > < div class =body > < h > Create User </ h > < g:if test =${ssage} > < div class =message > ${ssage} </ div > </ g:if > < g:hasErrors bean =${user} > < div class =errors > < g:renderErrors bean =${user} as =list /> </ div > </ g:hasErrors > < g:form action =save method =post > < div class =dialog > < table > < tbody > < tr class =prop >< td valign =top
class =name >< label for =userId > User Id: </ label ></ td >
< td valign =top class =value ${hasErrors(bean:userfield:userIderrors)} >
< input type =text name =userId value =${user?userId?encodeAsHTML()} />
</ td ></ tr > < tr class =prop >
< td valign =top class =name >< label for =password > Password:
</ label ></ td >< td valign =top class =value ${hasErrors(bean:userfield:password
errors)} >< input type =text name =password
value =${user?password?encodeAsHTML()} /></ td ></ tr > </ tbody > </ table > </ div > < div class =buttons > < span class =formButton > < input type =submit value =Create ></ input > </ span > </ div > </ g:form > </ div > </ body > </ html >


  < html > < head > < meta httpequiv =ContentType content =text/html; charset=UTF /> < meta name =layout content =main /> < title > Edit User </ title > </ head > < body > < div class =nav > < span class =menuButton >< a href =${createLinkTo(dir:)} >
Home </ a ></ span > < span class =menuButton >< g:link action =list >
User List </ g:link ></ span > < span class =menuButton >< g:link action =create >
New User </ g:link ></ span > </ div > < div class =body > < h > Edit User </ h > < g:if test =${ssage} > < div class =message > ${ssage} </ div > </ g:if > < g:hasErrors bean =${user} > < div class =errors > < g:renderErrors bean =${user} as =list /> </ div > </ g:hasErrors > <! <div class=prop> <span class=name>Id:</span> <span class=value>${user?id}</span> </div> > < g:form controller =user method =post > <! <input type=hidden name=id value=${user?id} /> > < input type =hidden name =id value =${user?userId} /> < div class =dialog > < table > < tbody > < tr class =prop >< td valign =top class =name >
< label for =userId > User Id: </ label ></ td >
< td valign =top class =value ${hasErrors(bean:userfield:userIderrors)} >
< input type =text name =userId value =${user?userId?encodeAsHTML()} />
</ td ></ tr > < tr class =prop >< td valign =top class =name >
< label for =password > Password: </ label ></ td >
< td valign =top class =value ${hasErrors(bean:userfield:passworderrors)} >
< input type =text name =password value =${user?password?encodeAsHTML()} />
</ td ></ tr > </ tbody > </ table > </ div > < div class =buttons > < span class =button >< g:actionSubmit value =Update /></ span > < span class =button >< g:actionSubmit value =Delete /></ span > </ div > </ g:form > </ div > </ body > </ html >


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