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2022-06-13   來源: Java核心技術 






    confproperties   filename=table_structuresxls   tablestoexport=%   columnwidth=   url=jdbc:oracle:thin:@::orcl   user=DANIEL   password=   driver=oraclejdbcdriverOracleDriver   GroovySqlgroovy   /*   * Copyright the original author or authors   *   * Licensed under the Apache License Version (the License);   * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License   * You may obtain a copy of the License at   *   *   * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing software   * distributed under the License is distributed on an AS IS BASIS   * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND either express or implied   * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and   * limitations under the License   *   * Auth   */   import groovysqlSql   import jxl *   import jxlwrite *   Properties properties = new Properties();   propertiesload( new FileInputStream( confproperties ));   def filename = propertiesgetProperty( filename )   def tablesToExport = propertiesgetProperty( tablestoexport )   def columnWidth = propertiesgetProperty( columnwidth )   def url = propertiesgetProperty( url )   def user = propertiesgetProperty( user )   def password = propertiesgetProperty( password )   def driver = propertiesgetProperty( driver )   def sql = SqlnewInstance(url user password driver)   def sqlStmt =   select   atable_name   lumn_name   (select   nstraint_type   from   all_constraints d   all_cons_columns e   where   cowner = downer and   downer = eowner and   ctable_name = dtable_name and   dtable_name = etable_name and   lumn_name = lumn_name and   nstraint_name = nstraint_name and   nstraint_type = P and   rownum =   ) as constraint_type   adata_type   adata_length   adata_precision   adata_scale   anullable   adata_default   ments   ments as tab_comments   from   all_tab_columns a   all_col_comments b   all_tab_comments c   where   aowner = bowner and   bowner = cowner and   atable_name = btable_name and   btable_name = ctable_name and   lumn_name = lumn_name and   atable_name like ? and   aowner = ?      Map tables = new HashMap()   sqleachRow(sqlStmt [tablesToExport user]){ row >   Map column = new HashMap()   columnput( column_name lumn_name);   columnput( constraint_type nstraint_type);   columnput( data_type rowdata_type);   columnput( data_length rowdata_length);   columnput( data_precision rowdata_precision);   columnput( data_scale rowdata_scale);   columnput( nullable rownullable);   columnput( data_default rowdata_default);   columnput( comments ments);   String tableName = rowtable_name   String tableComments = rowtab_comments   Set columns = tablesget(tableName) ?lumns   if ( null == columns) {   columns = new HashSet();   columns << column   tablesput(tableName [tableComments:tableComments columns:columns])   } else {   columns << column   }   }   println to export table structures   class WritableSheetCategory {   static insertRow(WritableSheet writableSheet List row int x int y) {   roweachWithIndex { col i >   Label cell = new Label(x + i y col)   writableSheetaddCell(cell)   }   }   }   WritableWorkbook writableWorkBook =   WorkbookcreateWorkbook(   new File(filename))   WritableSheet writableSheet = writableWorkBookcreateSheet( 第一頁 )   WritableFont writableFontForTableName =   new WritableFont(WritableFontTIMES WritableFontBOLD)   WritableCellFormat writableCellFormatForTableName =   new WritableCellFormat(writableFontForTableName)   // writableCellFormatForTableNamesetAlignment(jxlformatAlignmentCENTRE)   writableCellFormatForTableNamesetVerticalAlignment(jxlformatVerticalAlignmentCENTRE)   WritableFont writableFontForTableComments =   new WritableFont(WritableFontTIMES WritableFontNO_BOLD)   WritableCellFormat writableCellFormatForTableComments =   new WritableCellFormat(writableFontForTableComments)   // writableCellFormatForTableCommentssetAlignment(jxlformatAlignmentCENTRE)   writableCellFormatForTableCommentssetVerticalAlignment(jxlformatVerticalAlignmentCENTRE)   int line =   List titleRow = [    表名 表注釋 字段名稱 是否主鍵 字段類型 字段長度
整數位數 小數位數 允許空值 缺省值 字段注釋   ]   try {   columnWidth = IntegerparseInt(columnWidth)   } catch (Exception e) {   columnWidth =   Systemerrprintln(egetMessage())   }   for ( int i = ; i < titleRowsize(); i ++ ) {   writableSheetsetColumnView(i columnWidth)   }   use (WritableSheetCategory) {   writableSheetinsertRow(titleRow line ++ )   }   tableseach { tableName tableInfo >   String tableComments = tableInfotableComments   Set columns = lumns   Label tableNameCell = new Label( line tableName writableCellFormatForTableName)   writableSheetaddCell(tableNameCell)   Label tableCommentsCell = new Label( line tableComments ? +
tableComments : writableCellFormatForTableComments)   writableSheetaddCell(tableCommentsCell)   columnseach { column >   List row = [   lumn_name ? + lumn_name :   nstraint_type ? + nstraint_type :   columndata_type ? + columndata_type :   columndata_length ? + columndata_length :   columndata_precision ? + columndata_precision :   columndata_scale ? + columndata_scale :   columnnullable ? + columnnullable :   columndata_default ? + columndata_default :   ments ? + ments :   ]   use (WritableSheetCategory) {   writableSheetinsertRow(row line ++ )   }   }   rgeCells( line columnssize() line )   rgeCells( line columnssize() line )   line +=   }   writableWorkBookwrite();   writableWorkBookclose();   println done!

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