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Simple-level Dynamic Proxy(1)

2022-06-13   來源: Java高級技術 

package poxy;

import javalangreflectInvocationHandler;
import javalangreflectMethod;
import javalangreflectProxy;

* Simple Dynamic Proxy show a single interface a single instance case
* @author daniel zhou
public class SimpleDynamicProxy {
    * @param args
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    //generate a hanlder
    ProxyHanlder hanlder=new ProxyHanlder();
     * register instance to hanlder get the interfaces proxy
    Dog dogProxy=(Dog) hanldergenerateProxyHanlder(new Dog(){
      public String eat(String food) {
        return Daniels dog just ate an + food +!;
    //do method by proxy
    String result = dogProxyeat(big bone);
    //take a look

//Proxy Handler    
class ProxyHanlder implements InvocationHandler{
  Object obj = new Object();
  public Object generateProxyHanlder(Object obj) {
    //store it
    thisobj = obj;    
    //return interface proxy
    return ProxynewProxyInstance(objgetClass()getClassLoader()

  public Object invoke(Object proxy Method method Object[] args)
      throws Throwable {
    Object result=null;
    result=methodinvoke(obj args);
    return result;

interface Dog{    
  String eat(String food);

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