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2022-06-13   來源: .NET編程 



  先交待一下開發平台Windows Advance Server操作系統Visual Studio Net Oxygen Sms ActiveX Control V (Share Ware) Nokia 手機通過數據線接在COM運行Visual Studio Net新建一個C#的項目選擇Windows Server類型的項目命名為SmsServer在Server的設計畫面ServerName命名為SmsServer點擊視圖設計器按鈕切換到設計畫面Windows Forms工具箱中拖一時鐘控件命名為SmsTimerComponents工具箱中拖一EventLog控件命名為eventLog項目菜單中點擊添加引用選擇COM浏覽到安裝Oxygen Sms ActiveX Control V程序的目錄找到SMSControlocx添加到選定的組件


using System;
using SystemCollections;
using SystemComponentModel;
using SystemData;
using SystemDiagnostics;
using SystemServiceProcess;
using SystemIO;
using SystemText ;

namespace SmsServer
public class SmsServer : SystemServiceProcessServiceBase
private SystemTimersTimer SmsTimer;
private SystemDiagnosticsEventLog eventLog;
public OSMSXControlOSMSX SmsX;//定義手機短信對象

/// <summary>
/// Required designer variable
/// </summary>
private SystemComponentModelContainer components = null;

public SmsServer()
// This call is required by the WindowsForms Component Designer

// TODO: Add any initialization after the InitComponent call

// The main entry point for the process
static void Main()
SystemServiceProcessServiceBase[] ServicesToRun;

// More than one user Service may run within the same process To add
// another service to this process change the following line to
// create a second service object For example
// ServicesToRun = New SystemServiceProcessServiceBase[] {new Service() new MySecondUserService()};
ServicesToRun = new SystemServiceProcessServiceBase[] { new SmsServer() };


/// <summary>
/// Required method for Designer support do not modify
/// the contents of this method with the code editor
/// </summary>
private void InitializeComponent()
thisSmsTimer = new SystemTimersTimer();
thiseventLog = new SystemDiagnosticsEventLog();
// SmsTimer
thisSmsTimerEnabled = true;
thisSmsTimerElapsed += new SystemTimersElapsedEventHandler(thisSmsTimer_Elapsed);
// SmsServer
thisServiceName = SmsServer;


/// <summary>
/// Clean up any resources being used
/// </summary>
protected override void Dispose( bool disposing )
if( disposing )
if (components != null)
baseDispose( disposing );

/// <summary>
/// Set things in motion so your service can do its work
/// </summary>
protected override void OnStart(string[] args)
// TODO: Add code here to start your service
SmsX = new OSMSXControlOSMSXClass ();
SmsXConnectionMode = ; //聯線類型cable
SmsXComNumber = ; //聯接端口為com
SmsXModel = ; //手機類型
SmsXOpen (); //聯接手機
SmsXSetSMSCNumber (+);//信息中心號碼

/// <summary>
/// Stop this service
/// </summary>
protected override void OnStop()
// TODO: Add code here to perform any teardown necessary to stop your service
SmsXClose ();

private void SmsTimer_Elapsed(object sender SystemTimersElapsedEventArgs e)
thisSmsTimerEnabled =false;

DirectoryInfo cd = new SystemIODirectoryInfo(F:\\Sms\\Data\\FileToSend);
string rsId;
string rsPhoneNum;
string rsSmsText;

string StrSql;

foreach(FileInfo FileSend in cdGetFiles ())
FileStream fs = new FileStream (cdFullName + \\ + FileSendName FileModeOpenFileAccessRead );
StreamReader sr;
sr = new StreamReader(fsUnicodeEncodingGetEncoding (GB));
rsId = FileSendName ToString ();
rsId = rsIdReplace (sms);
rsId = rsIdTrim ();
rsPhoneNum = srReadLine ();
rsPhoneNum = rsPhoneNumTrim ();
if (rsPhoneNumLength >)
rsPhoneNum = rsPhoneNumSubstring ();
rsSmsText = srReadToEnd();
rsSmsText = rsSmsTextTrim ();
if (rsSmsTextLength >)
rsSmsTextSubstring ();
fsClose ();
srClose ();

SmsXSendUnicodeSMSMessage (rsPhoneNumToString ()rsSmsTextToString ()false);

FileSendCopyTo (F:\\Sms\\Data\\HadBeenSend\\ + FileSendName true);
FileSendDelete ();
catch(SystemException E)
eventLogWriteEntry (EMessageToString ());
thisSmsTimerEnabled =true;
  在 Servercs切換設計畫面在屬性窗口下點擊Add Installer系統自動增加ProjectInstallercs文件點擊serviceInstaller設置Server Name設置為SmsServer點擊serviceProcessInstaller設置Account為LocalSystem
選擇菜單生成中的生成SmsServer改正可能有的錯誤進行DOS命令行進行項目目錄的\bin\debug目錄下執行installutil SmsServer如果找不到installutil程序就先Path一下這時在管理工具的服務下可以找到SmsServer服務了啟動該服務這裡默認源為目錄F:\Sms\Data\FileToSend如果這個目錄有SMS文件就讀取其第一行為發送的手機號碼第二行到文本結束為短信息內容然後發送短信息再將文本備份到F:\Sms\Data\HadBeenSend\

  讓我們再回頭看一下Servercs中的代碼首先在命令空間要增加using SystemIO; using SystemText ; 方便處理文件及文本對象在命名類時
public class SmsServer : SystemServiceProcessServiceBase
private SystemTimersTimer SmsTimer;
private SystemDiagnosticsEventLog eventLog;
public OSMSXControlOSMSX SmsX;//定義手機短信對象

protected override void OnStart(string[] args)
// TODO: Add code here to start your service
SmsX = new OSMSXControlOSMSXClass ();
SmsXConnectionMode = ; //聯線類型cable
SmsXComNumber = ; //聯接端口為com
SmsXModel = ; //手機類型
SmsXOpen (); //聯接手機
SmsXSetSMSCNumber (+);//信息中心號碼

  其中要注意的是要初始化信息中心號碼如果不初始化經常有發不去的情況然後當時鐘觸發時要注意先將時鐘關掉再列舉當前目錄中的SMS文件逐一發送出去再將時鐘打開同時在讀文件時要注意文件的編碼 sr=new StreamReader(fsUnicodeEncodingGetEncoding (GB));采用GB編碼讀取才不會讀出亂碼出來最後發送信息即可SmsXSendUnicodeSMSMessage (rsPhoneNumToString ()rsSmsTextToString ()false); 其中各個參數的含義可以參照Oxygen的幫助最後在服務停止時釋放短信息對象SmsXClose (); 如果出錯則寫出錯服務LOG文件eventLogWriteEntry (EMessageToString ());這樣在Windows的事件查看器就可以看到出錯的信息了

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