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2022-06-13   來源: .NET編程 

  CG M WinXP SP下的測試情況
   X 的位圖
  位屏幕 毫秒
  位屏幕 毫秒
   X 的位圖
  位屏幕 毫秒
  位屏幕 毫秒
  Option Explicit
  Private Type BITMAP
  bmType As Long
  bmWidth As Long
  bmHeight As Long
  bmWidthBytes As Long
  bmPlanes As Integer
  bmBitsPixel As Integer
  bmBits As Long
  End Type
  Private Type MemHdc
  hdc As Long
  Bmp As Long
  obm As Long
  End Type
  Private Declare Function GetObj Lib gdi Alias GetObjectA (ByVal hObject As Long ByVal nCount As Long lpObject As Any) As Long
  Private Declare Function SelectObject Lib gdi (ByVal hdc As Long ByVal hObject As Long) As Long
  Private Declare Function DeleteObject Lib gdi (ByVal hObject As Long) As Long
  Private Declare Function DeleteDC Lib gdi (ByVal hdc As Long) As Long
  Private Declare Function BitBlt Lib gdi (ByVal hDestDC As Long ByVal x As Long ByVal y As Long ByVal nWidth As Long ByVal nHeight As Long ByVal hSrcDC As Long ByVal xSrc As Long ByVal ySrc As Long ByVal dwRop As Long) As Long
  Private Declare Function CreateCompatibleDC Lib gdi (ByVal hdc As Long) As Long
  Private Declare Function CreateCompatibleBitmap Lib gdi (ByVal hdc As Long ByVal nWidth As Long ByVal nHeight As Long) As Long
  Private Declare Function GetBitmapBits Lib gdi (ByVal hBitmap As Long ByVal dwCount As Long lpBits As Any) As Long
  Private Declare Function SetBitmapBits Lib gdi (ByVal hBitmap As Long ByVal dwCount As Long lpBits As Any) As Long
  Private Declare Function GetTickCount Lib kernel () As Long
  Private Declare Sub CopyMemory Lib kernel Alias RtlMoveMemory (pDest As Any pSource As Any ByVal dwLength As Long)
  Private Function NewMyHdc(dHdc As Long w As Long h As Long Optional Bm As Long) As MemHdc
  With NewMyHdc
  hdc = CreateCompatibleDC(dHdc)
  If Bm = Then
  Bmp = CreateCompatibleBitmap(dHdc w h)
  Bmp = Bm
  End If
  obm = SelectObject(hdc Bmp)
  End With
  End Function
  Private Function DelMyHdc(MyHdc As MemHdc Optional nobmp As Boolean) As MemHdc
  With MyHdc
  If hdc <> And obm <> Then SelectObject hdc obm
  If nobmp = False And Bmp <> Then DeleteObject Bmp
  If hdc <> Then DeleteDC hdc
  End With
  End Function
  Private Function GrayBmp(dHdc As Long x As Long y As Long w As Long h As Long) As Long
  Dim tmpdc As MemHdc
  Dim i As Long j As Long m As Long k As Byte l As Long
  Dim Bm As BITMAP AllBytes As Long LineBytes As Long
  Dim dBits() As Byte
  Dim dBits() As Integer
  Dim dBits() As Long
  On Error GoTo last
  With tmpdc
  tmpdc = NewMyHdc(dHdc w h)
  GetObj Bmp Len(Bm) Bm
  If BmbmBitsPixel < Then GoTo last
  BitBlt hdc w h dHdc x y vbSrcCopy
  LineBytes = BmbmWidthBytes
  AllBytes = LineBytes * h
  Select Case BmbmBitsPixel
  ReDim dBits(AllBytes \ )
  GetBitmapBits Bmp AllBytes dBits()
  For i = To AllBytes \
  dBits(i) = ((dBits(i) And &HFF&) \ &H) * &H
  dBits(i) = (dBits(i) And &HFF) * &H用B值運算
  SetBitmapBits Bmp AllBytes dBits()
  GrayBmp =
  ReDim dBits(AllBytes )
  GetBitmapBits Bmp AllBytes dBits()
  For j = To h
  m = j * LineBytes
  For i = m To m + w * Step
  dBits(i) = dBits(i + )
  dBits(i + ) = dBits(i)
  SetBitmapBits Bmp AllBytes dBits()
  GrayBmp =
  ReDim dBits(AllBytes \ )
  GetBitmapBits Bmp AllBytes dBits()
  For j = To h
  m = j * LineBytes \
  For i = m To m + w
  l = dBits(i) And &HC&
  l = l * + l + l \
  CopyMemory dBits(i) l  這句沒辦法不用CopyMemory會溢出低效源於此
  SetBitmapBits Bmp AllBytes dBits()
  GrayBmp =
  End Select
  BitBlt dHdc x y w h hdc vbSrcCopy
  End With
  DelMyHdc tmpdc
  End Function
  Private Sub Form_Load()
  ScaleMode =
  AutoRedraw = True
  Picture = LoadPicture(f:\jpg)
  CommandCaption = 測試
  End Sub
  Private Sub Form_Resize()
  PaintPicture Picture ScaleWidth ScaleHeight
  End Sub
  Private Sub Command_Click()
  Dim t As Long s As String s As String i As Long
  t = GetTickCount
  GrayBmp hdc ScaleWidth ScaleHeight
  MsgBox GetTickCount t & s
  End Sub

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