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2022-06-13   來源: Java核心技術 



  view plaincopy to clipboardprint?

  package app

  public class CircularBuffer {

  int bufsizeSensorRecord[] storeint numberOfEntries = int front = int back =

  CircularBuffer(int n){ bufsize = nstore =  new SensorRecord[bufsize]


  /** * 存放數據* @param rec要存放的數據對象* @throws InterruptedException */ synchronized void put(SensorRecord rec) throws InterruptedException{ if(numberOfEntries == bufsize)

  wait()store[back] = new SensorRecord(recnum recdegree)Systemoutprintln(put + rectoString())back = back + if(back ==  bufsize)

  back = numberOfEntries += notify()} /** * 取出數據* @return * @throws InterruptedException */ synchronized SensorRecord get() throws InterruptedException{ SensorRecord result = new SensorRecord(if( == numberOfEntries )

  wait()result = store[front]Systemoutprintln(get + resulttoString())front += if(front == bufsize)

  front = numberOfEntries = notify()return result


  } package app

  public class CircularBuffer {

  int bufsizeSensorRecord[] storeint numberOfEntries = int front = int back =

  CircularBuffer(int n){ bufsize = nstore =  new SensorRecord[bufsize]


  /** * 存放數據* @param rec要存放的數據對象* @throws InterruptedException */ synchronized void put(SensorRecord rec) throws InterruptedException{ if(numberOfEntries == bufsize)

  wait()store[back] = new SensorRecord(recnum recdegree)Systemoutprintln(put + rectoString())back = back + if(back ==  bufsize)

  back = numberOfEntries += notify()} /** * 取出數據* @return * @throws InterruptedException */ synchronized SensorRecord get() throws InterruptedException{ SensorRecord result = new SensorRecord(if( == numberOfEntries )

  wait()result = store[front]Systemoutprintln(get + resulttoString())front += if(front == bufsize)

  front = numberOfEntries = notify()return result




  view plaincopy to clipboardprint?

  package app

  public class BufferPool {

  public static CircularBuffer  buf = new CircularBuffer(


  package app

  public class Get implements Runnable {

  public void run() { while (true) { try { Threadsleep(BufferPoolbufget()} catch (InterruptedException e) { // TODO Autogenerated catch block eprintStackTrace()}


  package app

  public class Put implements Runnable {

  public void run() { while (true) { int num = (int) (Mathrandom() * int degree = (int) (Mathrandom() * SensorRecord rec = new SensorRecord(num degree)try { Threadsleep(BufferPoolbufput(rec)} catch (InterruptedException e) { // TODO Autogenerated catch block eprintStackTrace()}


  package app

  public class SensorRecord {

  public SensorRecord(int num int degree) { // TODO Autogenerated constructor stub thisnum = numthisdegree = degree}

  int numint degree

  public String  toString(){ return new String(num + num  + degree + degree)}


  package app

  public class TestBuffer {

  /** * @param args */

  public static void main(String[] args) { Get get = new Get()Put put = new Put()Thread thread = new Thread(get)Thread thread = new Thread(put)threadstart()threadstart()

  } package app

  public class BufferPool {

  public static CircularBuffer  buf = new CircularBuffer(


  package app

  public class Get implements Runnable {

  public void run() { while (true) { try { Threadsleep(BufferPoolbufget()} catch (InterruptedException e) { // TODO Autogenerated catch block eprintStackTrace()}


  package app

  public class Put implements Runnable {

  public void run() { while (true) { int num = (int) (Mathrandom() * int degree = (int) (Mathrandom() * SensorRecord rec = new SensorRecord(num degree)try { Threadsleep(BufferPoolbufput(rec)} catch (InterruptedException e) { // TODO Autogenerated catch block eprintStackTrace()}


  package app

  public class SensorRecord {

  public SensorRecord(int num int degree) { // TODO Autogenerated constructor stub thisnum = numthisdegree = degree}

  int numint degree

  public String  toString(){ return new String(num + num  + degree + degree)}


  package app

  public class TestBuffer {

  /** * @param args */

  public static void main(String[] args) { Get get = new Get()Put put = new Put()Thread thread = new Thread(get)Thread thread = new Thread(put)threadstart()threadstart()


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