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2022-06-13   來源: SQL語言 
     StaticText: st_屬性

    X = Y = Width = Height =
    TabOrder = Visible = true Text = 請輸入查詢條件: TextColor =
    BackColor = Alignment = left! FillPattern = solid!

     CommandButton: cb_exit屬性

    X = Y = Width = Height =
    TabOrder = Visible = true Enabled = true Text = &F返回
    Cancel = true

     CommandButton: cb_exit的 clicked 事件



     CommandButton: cb_exec屬性

    X = Y = Width = Height =
    TabOrder = Visible = true Enabled = true Text = &Z執行
    Default = true

     CommandButton: cb_exec的 clicked 事件



     DataWindow: dw_column屬性

    X = Y = Width = Height =
    TabOrder = Visible = true Enabled = true DataObject = d_column_set
    Border = true LiveScroll = true BorderStyle = stylebox

     DataWindow: dw_where屬性

    X = Y = Width = Height =
    TabOrder = Visible = true Enabled = true DataObject = d_where
    VScrollBar = true Border = true BorderStyle = stylelowered!

     DataWindow: dw_where的 editchanged 事件


     DataWindow: dw_where的itemchanged 事件


    string colnamecolvalue logvalue
    long currow
    ib_changed = true
    cb_execEnabled = True
    currow = GetRow()
    If MaxEditRow < Currow Then MaxEditRow = currow
    // MaxEditRow 為當前已編輯過的最大行的行號實例變量
    colname = GetColumnName()
    colvalue = GetItemString(currowcolname)
    Choose Case dwoname
    Case dispvalue
    Objectvalue[row] = data
    Case Else
    End Choose
    if colname = column then
    if colvalue = or isnull(colvalue) then
    if currow >= then
    colvalue = GetItemString(currow colname)
    logvalue = GetItemString(currow logical)
    if colvalue <> and (logvalue = or isnull(logvalue)) then
    SetItem(currow logicaland)
    end if
    end if
    end if
    end if
    long ll i
    colvalue = GetText()
    if colname = precol then
    if colvalue <> and not isnull(colvalue) then
    ll = len(colvalue)
    colvalue =
    For i = to ll
    colvalue += (
    end if
    end if

     DataWindow: dw_where的losefocus 事件


     DataWindow: dw_where的rbuttondown 事件



    () m_cpq_rbutton_paste菜單的屬性和代碼如下

    MenuItem = m_ a
    Visible = true Enabled = true
    MenuItems for m_
    MenuItem = m_value &V取現有值
    Visible = true Enabled = true
    Script for: nt clicked event
    long ll_pos
    String sSyntaxls_parmls_datals_disp
    datawindow dwp
    dwp = MessagePowerObjectParm
    sSyntax = MessageStringParm
    if sSyntax = or isNull(sSyntax) then
    end if
    OpenWithParm(w_pastesSyntax) //w_paste為響應式窗口
    ls_parm = MessageStringParm
    if ls_parm <> cancel then
    ll_pos = Pos ( ls_parm/)
    If ll_pos = Then
    ls_data = ls_parm
    ls_disp = ls_parm
    ls_data = Left ( ls_parm ll_pos )
    ls_disp = Mid ( ls_parm ll_pos + )
    End If
    end if
     MenuItem = m_clear &D清除本列
    Visible = true Enabled = true
     Script for: clicked event
    datawindow dwp
    dwp = MessagePowerObjectParm
    End of Script
    MenuItem = m_return &N返回
    Visible = true Enabled = true

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