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2022-06-13   來源: Java核心技術 



  package ****util;

  import javasecurityMessageDigest;


  * 標准MD加密方法使用java類庫的security包的MessageDigest類處理

  * @author Sarin


  public class MD {


  * 獲得MD加密密碼的方法


  public static String getMDofStr(String origString) {

  String origMD = null;

  try {

  MessageDigest md = MessageDigestgetInstance(MD);

  byte[] result = mddigest(origStringgetBytes());

  origMD = byteArrayHexStr(result);

  } catch (Exception e) {



  return origMD;



  * 處理字節數組得到MD密碼的方法


  private static String byteArrayHexStr(byte[] bs) {

  StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();

  for (byte b : bs) {



  return sbtoString();



  * 字節標准移位轉十六進制方法


  private static String byteHexStr(byte b) {

  String hexStr = null;

  int n = b;

  if (n < ) {


  n = b & xF + ;


  hexStr = IntegertoHexString(n / ) + IntegertoHexString(n % );

  return hexStrtoUpperCase();



  * 提供一個MD多次加密方法


  public static String getMDofStr(String origString int times) {

  String md = getMDofStr(origString);

  for (int i = ; i < times ; i++) {

  md = getMDofStr(md);


  return getMDofStr(md);



  * 密碼驗證方法


  public static boolean verifyPassword(String inputStr String MDCode) {

  return getMDofStr(inputStr)equals(MDCode);



  * 重載一個多次加密時的密碼驗證方法


  public static boolean verifyPassword(String inputStr String MDCode int times) {

  return getMDofStr(inputStr times)equals(MDCode);



  * 提供一個測試的主函數


  public static void main(String[] args) {

  Systemoutprintln(: + getMDofStr());

  Systemoutprintln(: + getMDofStr());

  Systemoutprintln(sarin: + getMDofStr(sarin));

  Systemoutprintln(: + getMDofStr( ));









  import javalangreflect*;


  * **********************************************

  * md 類實現了RSA Data Security Inc在提交給IETF

  * 的RFC中的MD messagedigest 算法

  * ***********************************************


  public class MD {

  /* 下面這些SS實際上是一個*的矩陣在原始的C實現中是用#define 實現的

  這裡把它們實現成為static final是表示了只讀切能在同一個進程空間內的多個


  static final int S = ;

  static final int S = ;

  static final int S = ;

  static final int S = ;

  static final int S = ;

  static final int S = ;

  static final int S = ;

  static final int S = ;

  static final int S = ;

  static final int S = ;

  static final int S = ;

  static final int S = ;

  static final int S = ;

  static final int S = ;

  static final int S = ;

  static final int S = ;

  static final byte[] PADDING = {



  /* 下面的三個成員是MD計算過程中用到的個核心數據在原始的C實現中



  private long[] state = new long[]; // state (ABCD)

  private long[] count = new long[]; // number of bits modulo ^ (lsb first)

  private byte[] buffer = new byte[]; // input buffer

  /* digestHexStr是MD的唯一一個公共成員是最新一次計算結果的



  public String digestHexStr;

  /* digest是最新一次計算結果的進制內部表示表示bit的MD


  private byte[] digest = new byte[];





  public String getMDofStr(String inbuf) {


  mdUpdate(inbufgetBytes() inbuflength());


  digestHexStr = ;

  for (int i = ; i < ; i++) {

  digestHexStr += byteHEX(digest[i]);


  return digestHexStr;


  // 這是MD這個類的標准構造函數JavaBean要求有一個public的並且沒有參數的構造函數

  public MD() {




  /* mdInit是一個初始化函數初始化核心變量裝入標准的幻數 */

  private void mdInit() {

  count[] = L;

  count[] = L;

  ///* Load magic initialization constants

  state[] = xL;

  state[] = xefcdabL;

  state[] = xbadcfeL;

  state[] = xL;



  /* F G H I 是個基本的MD函數在原始的MD的C實現中由於它們是


  實現成了private方法名字保持了原來C中的 */

  private long F(long x long y long z) {

  return (x & y) | ((~x) & z);


  private long G(long x long y long z) {

  return (x & z) | (y & (~z));


  private long H(long x long y long z) {

  return x ^ y ^ z;


  private long I(long x long y long z) {

  return y ^ (x | (~z));




  FF GG HH and II transformations for rounds and

  Rotation is separate from addition to prevent recomputation


  private long FF(long a long b long c long d long x long s long ac) {

  a += F(b c d) + x + ac;

  a = ((int) a << s) | ((int) a >>> ( s));

  a += b;

  return a;


  private long GG(long a long b long c long d long x long s long ac) {

  a += G(b c d) + x + ac;

  a = ((int) a << s) | ((int) a >>> ( s));

  a += b;

  return a;


  private long HH(long a long b long c long d long x long s long ac) {

  a += H(b c d) + x + ac;

  a = ((int) a << s) | ((int) a >>> ( s));

  a += b;

  return a;


  private long II(long a long b long c long d long x long s long ac) {

  a += I(b c d) + x + ac;

  a = ((int) a << s) | ((int) a >>> ( s));

  a += b;

  return a;






  private void mdUpdate(byte[] inbuf int inputLen) {

  int i index partLen;

  byte[] block = new byte[];

  index = (int) (count[] >>> ) & xF;

  // /* Update number of bits */

  if ((count[] += (inputLen << )) < (inputLen << ))


  count[] += (inputLen >>> );

  partLen = index;

  // Transform as many times as possible

  if (inputLen >= partLen) {

  mdMemcpy(buffer inbuf index partLen);


  for (i = partLen; i + < inputLen; i += ) {

  mdMemcpy(block inbuf i );



  index = ;

  } else

  i = ;

  ///* Buffer remaining input */

  mdMemcpy(buffer inbuf index i inputLen i);





  private void mdFinal() {

  byte[] bits = new byte[];

  int index padLen;

  ///* Save number of bits */

  Encode(bits count );

  ///* Pad out to mod

  index = (int) (count[] >>> ) & xf;

  padLen = (index < ) ? ( index) : ( index);

  mdUpdate(PADDING padLen);

  ///* Append length (before padding) */

  mdUpdate(bits );

  ///* Store state in digest */

  Encode(digest state );


  /* mdMemcpy是一個內部使用的byte數組的塊拷貝函數從input的inpos開始把len長度的



  private void mdMemcpy(byte[] output byte[] input int outpos int inpos int len) {

  int i;

  for (i = ; i < len; i++)

  output[outpos + i] = input[inpos + i];





  private void mdTransform(byte block[]) {

  long a = state[] b = state[] c = state[] d = state[];

  long[] x = new long[];

  Decode(x block );

  /* Round */

  a = FF(a b c d x[] S xdaaL); /* */

  d = FF(d a b c x[] S xecbL); /* */

  c = FF(c d a b x[] S xdbL); /* */

  b = FF(b c d a x[] S xcbdceeeL); /* */

  a = FF(a b c d x[] S xfcfafL); /* */

  d = FF(d a b c x[] S xcaL); /* */

  c = FF(c d a b x[] S xaL); /* */

  b = FF(b c d a x[] S xfdL); /* */

  a = FF(a b c d x[] S xdL); /* */

  d = FF(d a b c x[] S xbfafL); /* */

  c = FF(c d a b x[] S xffffbbL); /* */

  b = FF(b c d a x[] S xcdbeL); /* */

  a = FF(a b c d x[] S xbL); /* */

  d = FF(d a b c x[] S xfdL); /* */

  c = FF(c d a b x[] S xaeL); /* */

  b = FF(b c d a x[] S xbL); /* */

  /* Round */

  a = GG(a b c d x[] S xfeL); /* */

  d = GG(d a b c x[] S xcbL); /* */

  c = GG(c d a b x[] S xeaL); /* */

  b = GG(b c d a x[] S xebcaaL); /* */

  a = GG(a b c d x[] S xdfdL); /* */

  d = GG(d a b c x[] S xL); /* */

  c = GG(c d a b x[] S xdaeL); /* */

  b = GG(b c d a x[] S xedfbcL); /* */

  a = GG(a b c d x[] S xecdeL); /* */

  d = GG(d a b c x[] S xcdL); /* */

  c = GG(c d a b x[] S xfddL); /* */

  b = GG(b c d a x[] S xaedL); /* */

  a = GG(a b c d x[] S xaeeL); /* */

  d = GG(d a b c x[] S xfcefafL); /* */

  c = GG(c d a b x[] S xfdL); /* */

  b = GG(b c d a x[] S xdacaL); /* */

  /* Round */

  a = HH(a b c d x[] S xfffaL); /* */

  d = HH(d a b c x[] S xfL); /* */

  c = HH(c d a b x[] S xddL); /* */

  b = HH(b c d a x[] S xfdecL); /* */

  a = HH(a b c d x[] S xabeeaL); /* */

  d = HH(d a b c x[] S xbdecfaL); /* */

  c = HH(c d a b x[] S xfbbbL); /* */

  b = HH(b c d a x[] S xbebfbcL); /* */

  a = HH(a b c d x[] S xbecL); /* */

  d = HH(d a b c x[] S xeaafaL); /* */

  c = HH(c d a b x[] S xdefL); /* */

  b = HH(b c d a x[] S xdL); /* */

  a = HH(a b c d x[] S xdddL); /* */

  d = HH(d a b c x[] S xedbeL); /* */

  c = HH(c d a b x[] S xfacfL); /* */

  b = HH(b c d a x[] S xcacL); /* */

  /* Round */

  a = II(a b c d x[] S xfL); /* */

  d = II(d a b c x[] S xaffL); /* */

  c = II(c d a b x[] S xabaL); /* */

  b = II(b c d a x[] S xfcaL); /* */

  a = II(a b c d x[] S xbcL); /* */

  d = II(d a b c x[] S xfcccL); /* */

  c = II(c d a b x[] S xffeffdL); /* */

  b = II(b c d a x[] S xddL); /* */

  a = II(a b c d x[] S xfaefL); /* */

  d = II(d a b c x[] S xfeceeL); /* */

  c = II(c d a b x[] S xaL); /* */

  b = II(b c d a x[] S xeaL); /* */

  a = II(a b c d x[] S xfeL); /* */

  d = II(d a b c x[] S xbdafL); /* */

  c = II(c d a b x[] S xaddbbL); /* */

  b = II(b c d a x[] S xebdL); /* */

  state[] += a;

  state[] += b;

  state[] += c;

  state[] += d;





  private void Encode(byte[] output long[] input int len) {

  int i j;

  for (i = j = ; j < len; i++ j += ) {

  output[j] = (byte) (input[i] & xffL);

  output[j + ] = (byte) ((input[i] >>> ) & xffL);

  output[j + ] = (byte) ((input[i] >>> ) & xffL);

  output[j + ] = (byte) ((input[i] >>> ) & xffL);






  private void Decode(long[] output byte[] input int len) {

  int i j;

  for (i = j = ; j < len; i++ j += )

  output[i] = biu(input[j]) | (biu(input[j + ]) << ) | (biu(input[j + ]) << )

  | (biu(input[j + ]) << );






  public static long biu(byte b) {

  return b < ? b & xF + : b;






  public static String byteHEX(byte ib) {

  char[] Digit = { A B C D E F };

  char[] ob = new char[];

  ob[] = Digit[(ib >>> ) & XF];

  ob[] = Digit[ib & XF];

  String s = new String(ob);

  return s;


  public static void main(String args[]) {

  MD m = new MD();

  if (ArraygetLength(args) == ) { //如果沒有參數執行標准的Test Suite

  Systemoutprintln(MD Test suite:);

  Systemoutprintln(MD(\\): + mgetMDofStr());

  Systemoutprintln(MD(\a\): + mgetMDofStr(a));

  Systemoutprintln(MD(\abc\): + mgetMDofStr(abc));

  Systemoutprintln(MD(\\): + mgetMDofStr());

  Systemoutprintln(MD(\\): + mgetMDofStr());

  Systemoutprintln(MD(\message digest\): + mgetMDofStr(message digest));

  Systemoutprintln(MD(\abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\): + mgetMDofStr(abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz));


  + mgetMDofStr(ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz));

  } else

  Systemoutprintln(MD( + args[] + )= + mgetMDofStr(args[]));



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