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2022-06-13   來源: Java核心技術 
用Java開發網絡軟件非常方便和強大Java的這種力量來源於他獨有的一套強大的用於網絡的 API這些API是一系列的類和接口均位於包和中在這篇文章中我們將介紹套接字(Socket)慨念同時以實例說明如何使用Network API操縱套接字在完成本文後你將具備編寫網絡低端通訊軟件的能力


  Network API是典型的用於基於TCP/IP網絡Java程序與其他程序通訊Network API依靠Socket進行通訊Socket可以看成在兩個程序進行通訊連接中的一個端點一個程序將一段信息寫入Socket中該Socket將這段信息發送給另外一個Socket中使這段信息能傳送到其他程序中如圖

  我們來分析一下圖Host A上的程序A將一段信息寫入Socket中Socket的內容被Host A的網絡管理軟件訪問並將這段信息通過Host A的網絡接口卡發送到Host BHost B的網絡接口卡接收到這段信息後傳送給Host B的網絡管理軟件網絡管理軟件將這段信息保存在Host B的Socket中然後程序B才能在Socket中閱讀這段信息

  假設在圖的網絡中添加第三個主機Host C那麼Host A怎麼知道信息被正確傳送到Host B而不是被傳送到Host C中了呢?基於TCP/IP網絡中的每一個主機均被賦予了一個唯一的IP地址IP地址是一個位的無符號整數由於沒有轉變成二進制因此通常以小數點分隔正如所見IP地址均由四個部分組成每個部分的范圍都是以表示位地址


  假設第二個程序被加入圖的網絡的Host B中那麼由Host A傳來的信息如何能被正確的傳給程序B而不是傳給新加入的程序呢?這是因為每一個基於TCP/IP網絡通訊的程序都被賦予了唯一的端口和端口號端口是一個信息緩沖區用於保留Socket中的輸入/輸出信息端口號是一個位無符號整數范圍是以區別主機上的每一個程序(端口號就像房屋中的房間號)低於的短口號保留給標准應用程序比如pop的端口號就是每一個套接字都組合進了IP地址端口端口號這樣形成的整體就可以區別每一個套接字t下面我們就來談談兩種套接字流套接字和自尋址數據套接字

  流套接字(Stream Socket)

  無論何時在兩個網絡應用程序之間發送和接收信息時都需要建立一個可靠的連接流套接字依靠TCP協議來保證信息正確到達目的地實際上IP包有可能在網絡中丟失或者在傳送過程中發生錯誤任何一種情況發生作為接受方的 TCP將聯系發送方TCP重新發送這個IP包這就是所謂的在兩個流套接字之間建立可靠的連接




  這部分的工作包括了相關聯的三個類InetAddress Socket 和 ServerSocket InetAddress對象描繪了位或位IP地址Socket對象代表了客戶程序流套接字ServerSocket代表了服務程序流套接字所有這三個類均位於包中


  InetAddress類在網絡API套接字編程中扮演了一個重要角色參數傳遞給流套接字類和自尋址套接字類構造器或非構造器方法InetAddress描述了位或位IP地址要完成這個功能InetAddress類主要依靠兩個支持類InetAddress 和 InetAddress這三個類是繼承關系InetAddrress是父類InetAddress 和 InetAddress是子類


InetAddress ia = new InetAddress ();

    getAllByName(String host)方法返回一個InetAddress對象的引用每個對象包含一個表示相應主機名的單獨的IP地址這個IP地址是通過host參數傳遞的對於指定的主機如果沒有IP地址存在那麼這個方法將拋出一個UnknownHostException 異常對象

    getByAddress(byte [] addr)方法返回一個InetAddress對象的引用這個對象包含了一個Ipv地址或Ipv地址Ipv地址是一個字節數組Ipv地址是一個字節地址數組如果返回的數組既不是字節的也不是字節的那麼方法將會拋出一個UnknownHostException異常對象

    getByAddress(String host byte [] addr)方法返回一個InetAddress對象的引用這個InetAddress對象包含了一個由host和字節的addr數組指定的IP地址或者是host和字節的addr數組指定的IP地址如果這個數組既不是字節的也不是位字節的那麼該方法將拋出一個UnknownHostException異常對象

    getByName(String host)方法返回一個InetAddress對象該對象包含了一個與host參數指定的主機相對應的IP地址對於指定的主機如果沒有IP地址存在那麼方法將拋出一個UnknownHostException異常對象



  InetAddress和它的子類型對象處理主機名到主機IPv或IPv地址的轉換要完成這個轉換需要使用域名系統下面的代碼示范了如何通過調用getByName(String host)方法獲得InetAddress子類對象的方法這個對象包含了與host參數相對應的IP地址

InetAddress ia = InetAddressgetByName ());

  List 是一段示范代碼InetAddressDemo

// InetAddressDemojava

import *;

class InetAddressDemo
 public static void main (String [] args) throws UnknownHostException
  String host = localhost;

  if (argslength == )
   host = args [];

  InetAddress ia = InetAddressgetByName (host);

  Systemoutprintln (Canonical Host Name = +
        iagetCanonicalHostName ());
  Systemoutprintln (Host Address = +
        iagetHostAddress ());
  Systemoutprintln (Host Name = +
        iagetHostName ());
  Systemoutprintln (Is Loopback Address = +
        iaisLoopbackAddress ());

Canonical Host Name = localhost
Host Address =
Host Name = localhost
Is Loopback Address = true
  InetAddressDemo給了你一個指定主機名作為命令行參數的選擇如果沒有主機名被指定那麼將使用localhost(客戶機的)InetAddressDemo通過調用getByName(String host)方法獲得一個InetAddress子類對象的引用通過這個引用獲得了標准主機名主機地址主機名以及IP地址是否是loopback地址的輸出

  當客戶程序需要與服務器程序通訊的時候客戶程序在客戶機創建一個socket對象Socket類有幾個構造函數兩個常用的構造函數是 Socket(InetAddress addr int port) 和 Socket(String host int port)兩個構造函數都創建了一個基於Socket的連接服務器端流套接字的流套接字對於第一個InetAddress子類對象通過addr參數獲得服務器主機的IP地址對於第二個函數host參數包被分配到InetAddress對象中如果沒有IP地址與host參數相一致那麼將拋出UnknownHostException異常對象兩個函數都通過參數port獲得服務器的端口號假設已經建立連接了網絡API將在客戶端基於Socket的流套接字中捆綁客戶程序的IP地址和任意一個端口號否則兩個函數都會拋出一個IOException對象

  如果創建了一個Socket對象那麼它可能通過調用Socket的 getInputStream()方法從服務程序獲得輸入流讀傳送來的信息也可能通過調用Socket的 getOutputStream()方法獲得輸出流來發送消息在讀寫活動完成之後客戶程序調用close()方法關閉流和流套接字下面的代碼創建了一個服務程序主機地址為端口號為的Socket對象然後從這個新創建的Socket對象中讀取輸入流然後再關閉流和Socket對象

Socket s = new Socket ( );
InputStream is = sgetInputStream ();
// Read from the stream
isclose ();
sclose ();

  Listing : SSClientjava

// SSClientjava

import javaio*;
import *;

class SSClient
 public static void main (String [] args)
  String host = localhost;

  // If user specifies a commandline argument that argument
  // represents the host name

  if (argslength == )
   host = args [];

  BufferedReader br = null;
  PrintWriter pw = null;
  Socket s = null;

   // Create a socket that attempts to connect to the server
   // program on the host at port

   s = new Socket (host );

   // Create an input stream reader that chains to the sockets
   // byteoriented input stream The input stream reader
   // converts bytes read from the socket to characters The
   // conversion is based on the platforms default character
   // set

   InputStreamReader isr;
   isr = new InputStreamReader (sgetInputStream ());

   // Create a buffered reader that chains to the input stream
   // reader The buffered reader supplies a convenient method
   // for reading entire lines of text

   br = new BufferedReader (isr);

   // Create a print writer that chains to the sockets byte
   // oriented output stream The print writer creates an
   // intermediate output stream writer that converts
   // characters sent to the socket to bytes The conversion
   // is based on the platforms default character set

   pw = new PrintWriter (sgetOutputStream () true);

   // Send the DATE command to the server

   pwprintln (DATE);

   // Obtain and print the current date/time

   Systemoutprintln (brreadLine ());
   // Send the PAUSE command to the server This allows several
   // clients to start and verifies that the server is spawning
   // multiple threads

   pwprintln (PAUSE);
   // Send the DOW command to the server

   pwprintln (DOW);

   // Obtain and print the current day of week

   Systemoutprintln (brreadLine ());

   // Send the DOM command to the server
   pwprintln (DOM);

   // Obtain and print the current day of month

   Systemoutprintln (brreadLine ());

   // Send the DOY command to the server

   pwprintln (DOY);

   // Obtain and print the current day of year

   Systemoutprintln (brreadLine ());
  catch (IOException e)
   Systemoutprintln (etoString ());
    if (br != null)
     brclose ();

    if (pw != null)
     pwclose ();

    if (s != null)
     sclose ();
   catch (IOException e)

Tue Jan :: CST

  SSClient創建了一個Socket對象與運行在主機端口的服務程序聯系主機的IP地址由host變量確定SSClient將獲得Socket的輸入輸出流圍繞BufferedReader的輸入流和PrintWriter的輸出流對字符串進行讀寫操作就變得非常容易SSClient個服務程序發出各種date/time命令並得到響應每個響應均被打印一旦最後一個響應被打印將執行Try/Catch/Finally結構的Finally子串Finally子串將在關閉Socket之前關閉BufferedReader 和 PrintWriter

  在SSClient源代碼編譯完成後可以輸入java SSClient 來執行這段程序如果有合適的程序運行在不同的主機上采用主機名/IP地址為參數的輸入方式比如是運行服務器程序的主機那麼輸入方式就是java SSClient



  由於SSClient使用了流套接字所以服務程序也要使用流套接字這就要創建一個ServerSocket對象ServerSocket有幾個構造函數最簡單的是ServerSocket(int port)當使用ServerSocket(int port)創建一個ServerSocket對象port參數傳遞端口號這個端口就是服務器監聽連接請求的端口如果在這時出現錯誤將拋出IOException異常對象否則將創建ServerSocket對象並開始准備接收連接請求




  Listing : SSServerjava

// SSServerjava

import javaio*;
import *;
import javautil*;

class SSServer
 public static void main (String [] args) throws IOException
  Systemoutprintln (Server starting\n);

  // Create a server socket that listens for incoming connection
  // requests on port

  ServerSocket server = new ServerSocket ();

  while (true)
   // Listen for incoming connection requests from client
   // programs establish a connection and return a Socket
   // object that represents this connection

   Socket s = serveraccept ();

   Systemoutprintln (Accepting Connection\n);

   // Start a thread to handle the connection

   new ServerThread (s)start ();

class ServerThread extends Thread
 private Socket s;

 ServerThread (Socket s)
  thiss = s;

 public void run ()
  BufferedReader br = null;
  PrintWriter pw = null;

   // Create an input stream reader that chains to the sockets
   // byteoriented input stream The input stream reader
   // converts bytes read from the socket to characters The
   // conversion is based on the platforms default character
   // set

   InputStreamReader isr;
   isr = new InputStreamReader (sgetInputStream ());

   // Create a buffered reader that chains to the input stream
   // reader The buffered reader supplies a convenient method
   // for reading entire lines of text

   br = new BufferedReader (isr);

   // Create a print writer that chains to the sockets byte
   // oriented output stream The print writer creates an
   // intermediate output stream writer that converts
   // characters sent to the socket to bytes The conversion
   // is based on the platforms default character set

   pw = new PrintWriter (sgetOutputStream () true);

   // Create a calendar that makes it possible to obtain date
   // and time information

   Calendar c = CalendargetInstance ();

   // Because the client program may send multiple commands a
   // loop is required Keep looping until the client either
   // explicitly requests termination by sending a command
   // beginning with letters BYE or implicitly requests
   // termination by closing its output stream

    // Obtain the client programs next command

    String cmd = brreadLine ();

    // Exit if client program has closed its output stream

    if (cmd == null)
    // Convert command to uppercase for ease of comparison

    cmd = cmdtoUpperCase ();

    // If client program sends BYE command terminate

    if (cmdstartsWith (BYE))

    // If client program sends DATE or TIME command return
    // current date/time to the client program

    if (cmdstartsWith (DATE) || cmdstartsWith (TIME))
     pwprintln (cgetTime ()toString ());

    // If client program sends DOM (Day Of Month) command
    // return current day of month to the client program

    if (cmdstartsWith (DOM))
     pwprintln ( + cget (CalendarDAY_OF_MONTH));

    // If client program sends DOW (Day Of Week) command
    // return current weekday (as a string) to the client
    // program

    if (cmdstartsWith (DOW))
     switch (cget (CalendarDAY_OF_WEEK))
     case CalendarSUNDAY : pwprintln (SUNDAY);

     case CalendarMONDAY : pwprintln (MONDAY);

     case CalendarTUESDAY : pwprintln (TUESDAY);

     case CalendarWEDNESDAY: pwprintln (WEDNESDAY);

     case CalendarTHURSDAY : pwprintln (THURSDAY);

     case CalendarFRIDAY : pwprintln (FRIDAY);

     case CalendarSATURDAY : pwprintln (SATURDAY);

    // If client program sends DOY (Day of Year) command
    // return current day of year to the client program

    if (cmdstartsWith (DOY))
     pwprintln ( + cget (CalendarDAY_OF_YEAR));

     // If client program sends PAUSE command sleep for three
     // seconds
    if (cmdstartsWith (PAUSE))
     Threadsleep ();
    catch (InterruptedException e)
   while (true);
   catch (IOException e)
    Systemoutprintln (etoString ());
    Systemoutprintln (Closing Connection\n);

     if (br != null)
      brclose ();

      if (pw != null)
       pwclose ();

      if (s != null)
       sclose ();
    catch (IOException e)

Server starting
Accepting Connection
Closing Connection
  SSServer的源代碼聲明了一對類SSServer 和ServerThreadSSServer的main()方法創建了一個ServerSocket對象來監聽端口上的連接請求如果成功 SSServer進入一個無限循環中交替調用ServerSocket的 accept() 方法來等待連接請求同時啟動後台線程處理連接(accept()返回的請求)線程由ServerThread繼承的start()方法開始並執行ServerThread的run()方法中的代碼

  一旦run()方法運行線程將創建BufferedReader PrintWriter和 Calendar對象並進入一個循環這個循環由讀(通過BufferedReader的 readLine())來自客戶程序的一行文本開始文本(命令)存儲在cmd引用的string對象中如果客戶程序過早的關閉輸出流會發生什麼呢?答案是cmd將得不到賦值


  一旦編譯了SSServer的源代碼通過輸入Java SSServer來運行程序在開始運行SSServer後就可以運行一個或多個SSClient程序
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